Good Samaritan Oil, Saint Michael Oil, Saint Joseph Anointing oil…

There is no doubting the importance of plants and trees for modern medicine; for a long time, natural remedies and medicinal plants were the main and even the sole resource available to doctors; all cultures across the planet and in all eras have used medicinal plants as the basis for their own medicine.


Holy Scripture contains several chapters and verses in which the use of essential oils in ancient times is mentioned. Their use was part of the life of the Hebrews, Jews, and Christians in the times of the Old and New Testaments. This can be verified by seeing the references to oils and/or plants with which they are produced, in 36 books of the Old Testament and in 10 of the 27 books of the New Testament. Their uses range from the anointing of prophets and kings, as can be seen in I Samuel 16:12-13…. God and the Church never promise us freedom from all sickness, and every one of us will eventually breathe our last breath as we pass on to eternity. These are recommended as additional precautions that are not “magic” formulas, but based on science, (please read through to the footnotes) but first let's take a dive into some of the revelations.

Luz de Maria de Bonilla, a mystic, stigmatist, and locutionist, whose messages from heaven have received the Imprimatur of the Catholic Church since 2009, has been told by Jesus and Mary of preventative measures in the event of pandemics.

At the end of Luz de Maria’s message of June 3, 2016, she writes:

Suddenly, our Mother raises her other hand, and I see human creatures sick with great plagues; I see a healthy person approach a sick one and is immediately infected… I ask our Mother, ‘How can we help these brothers?’ and she says, ‘Use the Oil of the Good Samaritan. I gave you the necessary and convenient ingredients.’ Our Mother told me that true plagues will come and that we should ingest a raw clove of garlic every morning or oil of oregano; these two are excellent antibiotics. If oil of oregano is not available, oregano can be boiled to make an infusion; however, the oil of oregano is a better antibiotic. Our Mother told me, ‘Ignorance in the human being is what leads to so much conflict. Knowledge is of utmost importance to eradicate ignorance. Tell your brothers that they must learn to pray and to put prayer into practice with their fellow men; tell them they must be action. Tell them not to be fanatics but creatures of faith—strong, firm, and determined—creatures of faith who know what they love, who practice what they say, and who give testimony of what they preach. Tell them to use the will to prevent the ego from taking control; tell them to be humble in order to be true. Tell them that man causes his own evil; in some cases, he is the direct cause. In others, he is led by the ignorance that has been given to him as truth. Tell them I love them and that My Son wants Me to take a place closer to His people. Tell them that My help is with all of them. Tell them to call on Me. Tell them I bless them and love them.’

Extracts from a message from the Blessed Virgin Mary to her beloved daughter, Luz de Maria:

January 28, 2020

Great pestilences, plagues generated by unknown viruses are advancing upon humanity. Use the oil of the Good Samaritan as protection, faced with a case of a highly contagious disease where you live—the quantity of the head of a pin on the earlobes will suffice. If the number of those infected increases, you should put it on both sides of your neck and on the wrists of both hands...

Clinical studies were conducted at the University of Weber in Utah in 1997. They found it to have as much as a 96% reduction in airborne bacteria. (Journal of Essential Oils Research, Vol. 10, n. 5, pp. 517-523) A 2007 study published in Phytotherapy Research noted that cinnamon and clove bud oil found in Thieves may have potential in inhibiting the growth of pathogens like Streptococcus pyogenes, pneumoniae, agalactia and Klebsiella pneumonia, and may help treat respiratory infections in humans.

Pregnant women: ask a professional about any negative effects of the essential oils.

According to the National Institute of Health PubMed base, there are over 17,000 documented medical studies on essential oils and their benefits.(Essential Oils, Ancient Medicine by Dr. Josh Axe, Jordan Rubin, and Ty Bolinger) Regarding the “Good Samaritan” (Thieves) oil that the NCR takes direct aim at, it has indeed been found to have “anti-infectious, antibacterial, antiviral and antiseptic properties.”

Please consult your doctor if you have any questions before use.


Instructions on how to apply each oil:

Good Samaritan Oil: Apply the oil to wrists earlobes and neck under the jawline any time of day or night.

Saint Michael Oil: Apply the oil to wrists earlobes and neck under the jawline any time of day or night. Prayer suggested: Saint Michael prayer after applying.

Saint Joseph Anointing oil: Anoint the palms of the hands. Generally used before bedtime. Also used for healing for yourself or praying over the sick. Prayers suggested: Sleeping Saint Joseph prayer, Psalm 91 after applying.

All Ingredients 100% Pure Organic...
Carriers: Cold Pressed Olive Oil, Fractionated Coconut Oil, Almond Oil, Apricot Oil, Grapeseed Oil.
Good Samaritan Oil: Eucalyptus, Rosemary, Lemon, Cinnamon, and Clove...
Saint Michael Oil. Geranium, Lavender...
Saint Joseph Oil: Chamomile, Orange, Lemon, Bergamot (citrus blend)…
**The recipes, orders of dilution mix sequences and ratios as well as processes, chill times, and mix times are proprietary to our brand. Stored and chilled mixed in only glass through the entire process.

Please allow 5 to 7 days for orders to be processed and shipped. 14 to 21 days for international orders

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