Our lady to luz De Maria De Bonilla  on November 3, 2019:

Plague is advancing, my children, it is advancing and changing into a pandemic, causing terror and fear. You have been warned by the Father’s House and have the teachings about natural medicines for combating these contagious diseases. Prepare the oil of the good samaritan to prevent contagion.

St. Michael the Archangel to luz De Maria De Bonilla on December 15th, 2020:

Beloved People of God: You are blessed by the Most Holy Trinity and are children of our and your Queen and Mother, the Blessed Virgin Mary.
As Prince of the Celestial Legions, I call you to open your hearts to the Divine Will in order to be urgently renewed before the time that is no longer time. You have been waiting for decisive events so as to know the stage in which you find yourselves. I firmly declare to you once more that you are in the final stage at the end of this generation.
There will be moments of glory for the People of God, but these will come after passing through the crucible, once the Faith of those who call themselves “true Christians” has been tested. Not everything is a tragedy for human beings, but for you to experience it this way, you need to have overcome your indecisions and to be one with the Most Holy Trinity in order to see and live the events as what they are: an opportunity for salvation, for purification, for amendment. This moment should not go unnoticed: it is a time to reverse bad works and acts so that the action of the Divine Spirit would flood you and His Gifts and Virtues would poured out upon you.
How can I make you understand that without love for neighbor it is impossible to attain true love for the Most Holy Trinity and our Queen and Mother? The human being without Divine Love in daily life is an empty creature, a cracked chest that is not suitable to be used for Divine Works, since for them love is necessary.
You need to be renewed as creatures, without pride, without envy, without scheming. Human beings keep thinking that they are zealous for the things of Heaven, but instead certain “Pharisees” look at what is designed by the Most Holy Trinity, they judge it and take it before a human spiritual tribunal, bringing upon themselves the disgrace of pride, not seeing anything wrong in what they are doing, but seeing it only as a matter of personal opinion, which will make them fall prey to the Devil himself. In this way, the Devil is making them slaves in order to bring down their brothers and sisters who serve God. For short periods of time, they will think they have won, but this is not true, as afterward they will be melted like wax in front of the fire.
People of God: Confusion is spreading; there should be no confusion for those who have the certitude of Faith. They are creatures of God who do not participate in modern trends that are dangerous for the soul, sown within the Church of Our King and Lord Jesus Christ.

You must be generous towards your neighbor; times of scarcity are approaching – not only spiritually, but also in terms of food. You will experience this soon. Families will be scattered: the powers of the world elite have decided that it should be like this. They are the great Herods, great in everything related to the future of humanity; they support the Antichrist, whom they have served since time immemorial.
You have experienced the confinement of knowing that you are separated from your loved ones, and you will go through the pain of seeing your loved ones leave for conflicts generated by that elite, whose sole purpose is dominion over humanity and the domination of the mind of the entire world population. The establishment of a single government will happen, and it will spread throughout all areas of human work and action. This centralization will be the cause of man’s downfall because it will arise among poor irrational people who follow the masses with their perverse ideologies.
Children, prepare yourselves for the collapse of the economy: do not hold out false hopes — humanity will experience the worst famine ever. International organizations will not react to it, and many of you will be lost if you do not convert and do not allow yourselves to be “fed by Heaven.”
Human beings who are only mentally equipped for limited action by the Holy Spirit are hindering the wonders that the Divine Will has reserved for these times.
Pray, People of God, pray about the Earth that, magnetized by heavenly bodies, is increasing the potency of its core, which is in constant motion, is causing great cracks to appear in the surface of the Earth.
Pray, People of God, pray; certain islands will especially suffer from the shocks of the tectonic plates on the seabed, rising towards the surface.
Pray, People of God, pray for the conversion of souls.
Pray, People of God, pray tirelessly so that the human skin disease would be promptly overcome when treated with Heaven’s medicines.
You are blessed, People of God, you are blessed with the gift of life, which you should not refuse, but cherish. Those countries where they pass laws against the lives of the defenseless or the terminally ill will be shaken.
The plague is approaching: continue to use the Good Samaritan oil, Eucalyptus leaves inside the homes, [incensing] the leaves when necessary. “Be as wise as serpents and innocent as doves” (Mt 10:16).
Spiritual conflicts are coming; do not renounce the Faith. Bear in mind that you cannot live the Faith in your own fashion, otherwise, you will let evil take its place. Do not expect what humanity has not given to God: nothing will be as it was in the past.
People of God, are you truly God’s People? Be strong and firm in the Faith, do not falter. My legions are guarding you: accept this protection, invoking the Holy Angels. Although it may appear that evil is winning, it will never have greater power than the Heavenly Father. Do not waver in the Faith. Do not decrease in Faith.
I bless you, I protect you. 


Our Lady’s message on this same day:

My beloved children,
Worship my Son! May each one of you be a creature of humility, recognizing the Man-God in the representation of my Son’s birth in the manger. Love My Son, worship him at all times, pray with the heart.

My children, know that the Birth of My Son should not be the subject of modernist jokes: it is rather the greatest of events for the salvation of humanity. The followers of evil intend to offend My Son, and even so My Son loves them. He has especial regard for humble, simple and true hearts. Nativity scenes (cribs) made with respect for what they represent, will be blessed in a special way. Place the scenes in your homes: do not store them away, allow this Divine Blessing to give protection regarding what is coming for humanity.
Pray, do not be negligent in your work, behavior, and in making reparation for personal sins. Do not forget that the Warning will come and that self-examination will be a scourge for souls. You will want to say: “take this heavy scourge away from me”, but it will not be possible. Live in holiness!
Do not fear: I am with each of my children. Love one another, and may each of you love your own self so that you can give love. I bless you, I love you.

Hail Mary most pure, conceived without sin
Hail Mary most pure, conceived without sin
Hail Mary most pure, conceived without sin

Our Lady to luz De Maria De Bonilla on January 28th 2020

Great pestilences, plagues generated by unknown viruses are advancing upon humanity. Use the oil of the Good Samaritan as protection, faced with a case of a highly contagious disease where you live—the quantity of the head of a pin on the earlobes will suffice. If the number of those infected increases, you should put it on both sides of your neck and on the wrists of both hands...

Our Lord to luz De Maria De Bonilla on September 21st, 2021:

Luz – The Warning is Coming Closer

Beloved children, receive My Blessing. You are My People, whom I love. Children, once again I come to you in order to call you to reject sin and to know Me as you should so that you would not be so easily misled. You have refused to Know Me, because of which you do not acknowledge Me, you reject the Commandments, the Sacraments, the Eucharistic Celebration and receiving Me properly. For many of My Own this is a symbolic gesture, a waste of time, in which they receive Me for the sake of appearances.
Without heeding the Calls of the Father’s House, your human egos continue to be inflated by the perversity that you carry within you. You create laws in favour of the killing of the innocent — among other laws — causing humanity to suffer for this most serious sin. You are being disavowed by creation… This is a generation that rebels against its Lord and its God.
The conceited human ego knows nothing of Charity towards one’s neighbor… Many people are nourished by disobedience… Loyalty has become an absurdity, which is why My People are in great danger due to the lack of sincerity and fraternal love with which you would survive if you would protect one another. These are critical moments for My People when, by very meekly allowing itself to be led astray, humanity has surrendered to wolves, like sheep without a shepherd. (Mk 6:34) Greater and terrible suffering awaits you: crises of all kinds, persecutions for being My children, for being different from the rest who are steeped in sin and disobedience. The time has been cut short… Social uprisings will grow; communism* is ready to attack humanity and plunge you into war.
You are coming closer to the Warning.

What My House warned about is being fulfilled before your eyes and will continue to be fulfilled. The wheat is being separated from the tares. Not all who call themselves My children will reach the end. Store up food: it will become scarce. Prepare Blessed Grapes and keep honey. Have the Oil of the Good Samaritan with you and the medicines that My House has made known to you. Have geranium with you, called the Oil of St. Michael the Archangel by My children, in honor of My beloved Archangel.
You are coming closer to the Warning… The expected events prior to the Warning may occur within the space of a few days. The spiritual misery of humanity is leading it to the abyss.
You feel embarrassed to pray, to bless and to be fraternal, due to the hearts of stone of many of My children. Love is being extinguished… The Devil is extinguishing it before a humanity that is empty, devoid of Me and devoid of feelings. My children should not fear: My Mercy protects you and My Most Holy Mother keeps you covered by Her mantle. Onward, My People! Onward with Faith, with Hope, with the assurance of New Heaven and New Earth (Rev. 21:1). My Angel of Peace is constantly watching you with infinite love and protecting you from now on. Go forward without fear: you are My People. Do not stop: I carry you in My Heart.
With Eternal Love, Your Jesus.


Hail Mary most pure, conceived without sin
Hail Mary most pure, conceived without sin
Hail Mary most pure, conceived without sin...

Recommendations for healing given to luz De Maria De Bonilla

Our Lord Jesus Christ:
June 6, 2019

My people, suffering looms for humanity; diseases that were thought eradicated will return to frighten you as they expand rapidly in these times.

Our Lord Jesus Christ:
May 11, 2019

I have insisted that you keep the faith, in spite of the obstacles, in spite of the wounded ‘ego’–of the trials that for you have no explanation, of the diseases of all kinds; keep your faith immovable.

Our Lord Jesus Christ:
January 16, 2019

The diseases of the past are regaining strength, and this is because in some laboratories they have been created. Such is the manipulation in which you are living, My children, so much so that with great surprise, you will experience an announcement that will shake My Church and will make the false prophets differ in their predictions.

My people, keep faith in Me: I will not give you stones for bread. I will not say to you: ‘Here I am’ and confront you with evil. I am your Lord and before Me every knee bows (cf. Rom 14:11).

Our Lord Jesus Christ:
November 20, 2018

My beloved people, many diseases are looming over humanity, and I mention this and make it known to you so that you can protect yourselves. Viruses swarm through the air and you should protect yourselves; for this My Mother has given you and will continue to give you the natural medicines necessary so that you might put them into practice, because some viruses have been deformed in laboratories so that they would not react to human medicines. It will be then that unbelievers, having to make use of everything found in nature and which My Mother has mentioned to you, will be surprised to see how health, if it is Our will, recovers.

Our Lord Jesus Christ:
October 10, 2018

I call you to unite, to unify and intensify fraternity. I call you to compile the messages in which My Mother or I have provided you with the natural medicines necessary for facing the great pestilences, plagues, diseases, and chemical contamination to which you, as humanity, will be exposed, because it is not only nature that rebels against man, but also those who with petty and selfish interests have conspired to exterminate much of humanity.

Our Lord Jesus Christ:
August 3, 2017

Some of My children have not faced serious times; they do not know the face of hunger, they do not know the face of repression, they do not know the face of despair over not having what is necessary to control pain. My Mother has given you and will give you medicines that you can find in nature, and with them, mitigate diseases and make them disappear. Do not sit on this, waiting for the moment to use them: seek them where you can, seek them where you can locate them near you. Do not wait for the final moment. Plague moves silently, without being unveiled before humanity. You have the means and more to fight it. I do not forsake My people.

Our Lord Jesus Christ:
May 17, 2017

Great diseases spread rapidly, and when they become known through the health media no longer able to hide them, refer to what My Mother has revealed to you to stop some diseases; but in the midst of everything, human faith is necessary.

The Blessed Virgin Mary:
May 20, 2017

Pray, My children, pray. Do not forget that disease comes out of laboratories: use whatever I have mentioned to you for your health.

The Blessed Virgin Mary:
October 8, 2015

 Misused science has come to penetrate the pharmaceutical industry so that it dares to create vaccines contaminated with viruses in order to cause death or disease in human beings.

Comment by Luz de Maria :
October 14, 2015

Brothers, Christ warns us about a virus that will be used as a biological weapon, but with the divine blessing, our Mother will tell us how to combat this disease about which Christ allowed me to have a vision:

I could see a human being with sores on his skin and suffering great pain; I saw the hand of our Mother on those infected, placing on them something similar to the leaf of a plant, and they were healed.

The Blessed Virgin Mary:
October 13, 2014

Unknown diseases will continue to attack humanity, one after another; but as they reach man, I will provide you with the natural means for fighting them.

Our Lord Jesus Christ:
May 30, 2013

The silent passage of the plague that will devastate the lives of men is weighing on you. Only the assistance of My Mother will succeed in stopping it; use the Miraculous Medal for this purpose, carrying faith forward as the banner of triumph.

Our Lord Jesus Christ
February 12, 2012

Plague advances wreaking havoc; seal yourselves in the Name of My Blood. Bless your food with the sign of My Cross and keep your faith alive.

Our Lord Jesus Christ:
March 17, 2010

My dearly beloved people, I love you. I love you infinitely, and today I call you to place My cross in a visible place in your home. Do not fear, do not be ashamed of being recognized, because I love you and recognize you continuously. Today I again call you to anoint the doors of your homes, because plague is approaching for humanity.

Our Lord Jesus Christ:
April 14, 2010

Plague is approaching for humanity. This is produced by human hands, which wanting some economic power that they have lost in recent times, will cause disease among My own. This causes My Heart great pain. Therefore, I am warning you, and again I remind you of the use of the sacramentals so that you would protect yourselves. I remind you to anoint your homes for protection.

The Blessed Virgin Mary:
September 5, 2010

My little children, you are punishing yourselves. You have drawn the announced plague upon you. The human heart will feel great desolation. Men of science will be confused when they feel the impossibility of finding a cure. They will realize that only faith in the power of God will heal this suffering; He will heal this suffering through the sacramentals and instructions that we have given you from Heaven for such cases.

The Blessed Virgin Mary:
October 15, 2009

Little children, humanity is fast approaching its finale and MY SON’S INTERMEDIATE COMING IS CLOSE. I have called you to seal your homes so that evil and plague would pass by, and you have been prompt to follow My instructions obediently. Yet you still do not understand that if the doors and windows of a home are sealed and a human being continues to be lukewarm, evil and plague will enter and make him succumb to sin.

Our Lord Jesus Christ:
May 2009

I invite you not to forget the use of the sacramentals. In the case of contagious diseases (pestilences, plagues, etc.), anoint doors and windows with blessed oil. If you are sick, sprinkle food with holy water and keep in mind the use of medicinal plants that My Mother has instructed you to use for these unforeseen cases.

The Blessed Virgin Mary:
May 24, 2017

Serious illnesses are approaching that attack the digestive system; use the plant known as ANGELICA. Use the entire plant properly, with pregnant women being cautious. A disease is coming that will attack the eyes; for this use the plant known as EYEBRIGHT.

The Blessed Virgin Mary:
March 12, 2017

As your Mother, I beg you to maintain as part of your routine for living, the daily necessity of ingesting VITAMIN C, of ingesting raw garlic or ginger daily.

Luz de Maria (a vision):
June 3, 2016

Suddenly, our Mother raises her other hand and human beings appear who are sick with great plagues; then I see a healthy person approaching another who is sick, and they are immediately infected. . . I ask our Mother, ‘How can we help these brothers and sisters?’ and she says to me, ‘USE THE OIL OF THE GOOD SAMARITAN. I HAVE GIVEN YOU THE NECESSARY AND APPROPRIATE INGREDIENTS.’

Our Mother told me that genuine plagues will come and that we should consume a clove of raw garlic in the morning or oregano oil: these two are excellent antibiotics. If you cannot obtain oregano oil you can boil it and make a tea from it. But oregano oil is better as an antibiotic.

The Blessed Virgin Mary:
January 28, 2016

Use mullein and rosemary in small quantities.

The Blessed Virgin Mary:
January 31, 2015

Another disease is spreading, affecting the respiratory tract; it is extremely contagious. Keep holy water; use hawthorn and the Echinacea plant to combat it.

Reflection by Luz de Maria:
November 10, 2014

The Blessed Mother told me about a disease that will attack the nervous system and the immune system causing serious skin problems, for which she told me to use the leaf of the nettle plant and ginkgo.

The Blessed Virgin Mary:
October 11, 2014

The plague is renewed by those who serve the antichrist and see how the economy succumbs. Given this, I invite you, children, to heal the body through what nature provides for the good of the body, and as regards the current disease, the use of ARTEMISIA ANNUA.

The Blessed Virgin Mary:
October 13, 2014

My beloved, as a Mother who sees farther than you see, I call you to eat MULBERRIES [BLACKBERRIES]. They are a natural purifier of blood, and in this way your organism will become more resistant to the ills that will afflict humanity. You do not know that many of the viruses and bacteria that plague you have been created by man himself as a product for power over all humanity.

The Blessed Virgin Mary:
October 13, 2014

Humanity’s diet is comfortable but totally harmful to the human body, which it is continually being destroyed and sickened. At the moment, the human body is saturated by poor nutrition, thus favoring a weakening of the organism, and new diseases take hold of man, causing great evils.

Luz de Maria asked Mother Mary what should be done to make the body more resistant to the coming plagues. The Blessed Mother replied:

My Beloved, use water boiled beforehand and start the body’s detoxification straightaway by drinking as much water as possible: in this way, the body will be purified.

Saint Joseph Anointing Oil

The Story of Saint Andrew Bessette and Saint Joseph. Saint Andrew was a champion of the sick and broken-hearted. He anointed them with oil and invited them to pray to Saint Joseph to obtain favors. It was not long before many people were reporting that their prayers were being answered. He earned the reputation of a miracle worker, but he vehemently protested such a title: “I am nothing… only a tool in the hands of Providence, a lowly instrument at the service of Saint Joseph.” He went even further by affirming: “People are silly to think that I can accomplish miracles! It is God and Saint Joseph who can heal you, not I. He would simply say I will pray to Saint Joseph for you.”

Sleeping, Saint Joseph Prayer

“Oh Saint Joseph, You are a man greatly favored by the Most High. The angel of the Lord appeared to you in dreams, while you slept, to warn you and guide you as you cared for the Holy Family. You were both silent and strong, a loyal and courageous protector. Dear Saint Joseph, as you rest in the Lord, confident of His absolute power and goodness, look upon me. Please take my need… (mention your request here) … into your heart, dream of it, and present it to your Son. Help me then, good Saint Joseph, to hear the voice of God, to arise, and act with love. I praise and thank God with joy. Saint Joseph, I love you. Amen.”

Psalm 91...My Refuge and My Fortress

He who dwells in the shelter of the Most High will abide in the shadow of the Almighty. 2 I will say to the Lord, “My refuge and my fortress, my God, in whom I trust.” 3 For he will deliver you from the snare of the fowler and from the deadly pestilence. 4 He will cover you with his pinions, and under his wings you will find refuge; his faithfulness is a shield and buckler. 5 You will not fear the terror of the night, nor the arrow that flies by day, 6 nor the pestilence that stalks in darkness, nor the destruction that wastes at noonday. 7 A thousand may fall at your side, ten thousand at your right hand, but it will not come near you. 8 You will only look with your eyes and see the recompense of the wicked. 9 Because you have made the Lord your dwelling place. the Most High, who is my refuge. 10 no evil shall be allowed to befall you, no plague come near your tent. 11 For he will command his angels concerning you to guard you in all your ways. 12 On their hands they will bear you up, lest you strike your foot against a stone. 13 You will tread on the lion and the adder; the young lion and the serpent you will trample underfoot. 14 “Because he holds fast to me in love, I will deliver him; I will protect him, because he knows my name. 15 When he calls to me, I will answer him; I will be with him in trouble; I will rescue him and honor him. 16 With long life I will satisfy him and show him my salvation.”